2022 International Excellence Scholarships at IMPLANTEUS Graduate School – France

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The EUR Implanteus is setting up an international scholarship program reserved for excellent foreign students entering France and accepted in the IMAS Implanteus Master training starting from 2021 academic year.

Application Deadline: 29th April 2022

2022 International Excellence Scholarships at IMPLANTEUS Graduate School – France

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Masters

Value of Award: 6000 EUROS

Number of Awards: Not Mentioned

Eligibility: To be eligible, you must:

  • be admitted to the IMAS Master.
  • have relevant bachelor’s degree qualifications.
  • comply with the language requirements of the university and have skills and proficiency in English as the programme is taught in the same language.

Application Process: Applicants must fill out the scholarship application form and send it to [email protected] along with the supporting documents below.

  • Letter of recommendation
  • A description of the grading system of the country of origin
  • Cover letter



Visit The Official Website For More Information

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