35 List of Law courses in University

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On this post, Examking  will take you through the 35 list of  Law courses and courses related to Law which will benefit students who do not wish to study Law course itself.


Some of aspiring students today are reading this to know courses similar or related Law while others want to know Law course outlines.

That is, Law courses you will like to study at the university.

Note that Students who study any of the Law related course below can work with a legal firm.

Don’t forget, Law in itself is a course you can study, albeit a good one with competitive job opportunities.

If you study any of these courses related to Law listed below, you set yourself aside from the crowd because unlike Law which is encompassing, these courses are focused area within the field of Law;

If you study any of these courses related to Law as listed below, you set yourself aside from the crowd because unlike Law which is encompassing, these courses are focused area within the field of Law;


  • Criminology and Securities Studies
  • Political Science
  • Public and Private International Law
  • Business and Legal Studies
  • Civil Law


Law Course Outlines

Now, these are Law courses you will study or be taught while preparing you to be a Law graduate. Normally, a course outline should contain; course name, course description, course hours etc…

I will only list out the course names excluding GST to avoid too much information and there is no guarantee that the listed subjects (courses) here will be fully covered in your school except for Nigeria Universities. Nevertheless, you will meet 97% of Law courses listed here.


These are the list of Law Courses

  1. Administrative Law
  2. Banking & Insurance
  3. Logic and Philosophical Thought
  4. Clinical Legal Education
  5. Commercial Law
  6. Company Law
  7. Constitutional Law
  8. Conveyancing Law
  9. Criminal Law
  10. Public International Law
  11. Environmental & Planning Law
  12. Equity and Trusts
  13. Family Law
  14. History and Philosophy of Science
  15. Industrial/Labour Law
  16. Introduction to Advocacy
  17. Introduction to Political Science
  18. Introduction to Sociology
  19. Jurisprudence & Legal Theory
  20. Law of Torts
  21. Law of Arbitration
  22. Law of Banking and Insurance
  23. Law of Contract
  24. Law of Energy & Natural Resources
  25. Law of Evidence
  26. Law of Intellectual & Industrial Property
  27. Law of Taxation
  28. Legal Method
  29. Long Essay
  30. Maritime Law
  31. Nigerian Legal System
  32. Principles of Accounts
  33. Property / Land Law
  34. Property
  35. Psychology

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