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(i) Intensive distribution
(ii) Selective distribution
(iii) Exclusive distribution
(iv) Direct distribution

(i) Training and Empowering Employees:
Provide comprehensive training to employees to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver exceptional customer service. Empower employees to make decisions and solve problems on the spot, enabling quick resolution of customer issues. This can enhance the overall customer experience.

(ii) Active Listening and Personalization:
Train customer service representatives to actively listen to customers’ needs and concerns. Personalize interactions by using customers’ names, acknowledging their preferences, and demonstrating empathy. This creates a more personalized and positive experience for customers.

(iii) Implementing Technology Solutions:
Utilize technology to streamline customer service processes. Implement customer relationship management (CRM) systems to track customer interactions and preferences. Integrate chatbots for quick responses to frequently asked questions and provide multiple communication channels, such as live chat, email, and social media, for customer support.

(iv) Feedback and Continuous Improvement:
Encourage customers to provide feedback on their experiences and use this information to identify areas for improvement. Regularly assess customer service processes and performance. Implement changes based on customer feedback to continually enhance the quality of service.

(i) Demand pattern
(ii) Geographical considerations
(iii) Inventory levels
(iv) Transportation logistics

(i) Duplication:
The principle of duplication is fundamental in network selling. Successful network marketers aim to replicate their success by teaching and guiding their recruits to duplicate their efforts. This involves sharing effective sales techniques, recruitment strategies, and overall business practices.

(ii) Leverage:
Network selling emphasizes the concept of leverage. Marketers build a network of distributors or salespeople, earning commissions not only from their personal sales but also from the sales generated by their downline or team. This allows for the multiplication of efforts and income through the efforts of others.

(iii) Residual Income:
Residual income is a key principle in network selling. Unlike traditional sales models where income is solely based on personal sales efforts, network marketers have the potential to earn ongoing commissions from the sales generated by their downline. Building a strong and productive team contributes to a continuous stream of income.

(iv) Relationship Building:
Network selling places a strong emphasis on relationship building. Successful network marketers understand the importance of establishing and maintaining positive relationships with customers and team members. Building trust and rapport not only fosters repeat business but also encourages team members to stay engaged and motivated.

(i) E-commerce Platforms:
E-commerce platforms are online marketplaces where businesses sell their products directly to consumers. Examples include Amazon, eBay, and Shopify. Businesses can set up their own online storefronts, list products, and leverage the platform’s infrastructure for transactions, payments, and order fulfillment.

(ii) Social Media Selling:
Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, provide opportunities for businesses to sell products directly to their audience. Social media selling often involves creating visually appealing posts, using buy buttons, and integrating shopping features to facilitate seamless transactions within the social media environment.

(iii) Online Marketplaces:
Beyond e-commerce giants, there are specialized online marketplaces for specific industries or types of products. Examples include Etsy for handmade and unique items, or Houzz for home improvement products. Businesses can leverage these niche marketplaces to reach a targeted audience.

(iv) Affiliate Marketing:
Affiliate marketing involves partnering with affiliates or influencers who promote a company’s products and earn a commission for each sale generated through their referral. This model is performance-based, with affiliates using various online channels, such as websites, blogs, or social media, to drive traffic and sales.

(i) Customer Loyalty: By fostering good customer relations, you can create loyal customers who keep coming back to your business.

(ii) Positive Word-of-Mouth: Satisfied customers are more likely to spread the word about your business, leading to new customers and increased brand reputation.

(iii) Repeat Business: When you have a good relationship with your customers, they’re more likely to continue doing business with you, increasing your sales and revenue.

(iv) Feedback and Improvement: Customer relations provide an opportunity to receive valuable feedback, allowing you to make improvements and better meet customer needs.

A Web can be defined as a system of interconnected documents and resources that are accessed through the internet. It’s like a giant network of information that allows us to browse websites, search for information, connect with people, and so much more.


(i) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software
(ii) Digital Marketing Tools
(iii) Content Marketing Tools
(iv) Social Media Management Tools
(v) Referral Marketing Platforms

(i) Branding and Image Building
(ii) Direct Mail Campaigns
(iii) Newsletters and Periodicals
(iv) Print advertisement
(v) Promotional Materials at Events

Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries and economies around the world. It involves the exchange of goods, services, ideas, and culture on a global scale. Globalization has led to the expansion of international trade, the growth of multinational corporations, and the integration of economies.

On the other hand, information technology (IT) refers to the use of technology to store, transmit, and process information. IT includes hardware, software, networks, and systems that enable the collection, storage, retrieval, and sharing of data. Information technology has revolutionized communication, business processes, and the way we access and share information.

(i) Intensive distribution
(ii) Selective distribution
(iii) Exclusive distribution
(iv) Direct distribution

(i) Intensive Distribution: Intensive distribution is characterized by widespread availability of a product. This strategy is suitable for products with high consumer demand and those that are considered convenience items. Examples include everyday consumer goods like soft drinks, snacks, and toiletries. In an intensive distribution system, manufacturers aim to have their products in as many retail outlets as possible, ranging from supermarkets and convenience stores to gas stations. This approach ensures that consumers can easily find and purchase the product wherever they shop, contributing to increased visibility and accessibility.

(ii) Exclusive Distribution:
Exclusive distribution involves granting exclusive rights to a limited number of intermediaries or retailers to sell a product in a specific region. This strategy is commonly used for high-end or luxury products where maintaining a sense of exclusivity is essential for brand positioning. For example, a designer fashion brand may choose to exclusively distribute its products through select high-end department stores or specialty boutiques. This not only enhances the perceived value of the brand but also allows for a more controlled and premium shopping experience for customers. Exclusive distribution helps in associating the product with a particular level of quality and prestige.

(i) Internet selling allows businesses to reach a global audience through online platforms, while network selling typically involves selling products or services within a specific network or community.

(ii) Internet selling often relies on digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization and social media advertising, to attract customers. Network selling, on the other hand, relies on personal relationships and word-of-mouth referrals within a network.

(iii) Internet selling gives businesses more control over the sales process, as they can directly manage their online presence, website, and online transactions WHILE Network selling may involve working with a network or company that provides the products and sales structure, limiting individual control.

(iv) Network selling often emphasizes personal relationships and one-on-one interactions, allowing for more personalized customer experiences WHILE Internet selling may focus more on automation and scalability, reaching a larger audience but potentially with less personalization.

(v) In network selling, individuals often earn commissions or bonuses based on their own sales and the sales of their network or team WHILE Internet selling may involve different compensation models, such as affiliate marketing or revenue sharing programs.

(vi) Network selling typically provides training, mentorship, and ongoing support to individuals within the network WHILE Internet selling may offer resources and support, but it may require more independent learning and self-motivation.

(i) Internet selling allows businesses to reach a global audience through online platforms, while network selling typically involves selling products or services within a specific network or community.

(ii) Internet selling often relies on digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization and social media advertising, to attract customers. Network selling, on the other hand, relies on personal relationships and word-of-mouth referrals within a network.

(iii) Internet selling gives businesses more control over the sales process, as they can directly manage their online presence, website, and online transactions WHILE Network selling may involve working with a network or company that provides the products and sales structure, limiting individual control.

(iv) Network selling often emphasizes personal relationships and one-on-one interactions, allowing for more personalized customer experiences WHILE Internet selling may focus more on automation and scalability, reaching a larger audience but potentially with less personalization.

(v) In network selling, individuals often earn commissions or bonuses based on their own sales and the sales of their network or team WHILE Internet selling may involve different compensation models, such as affiliate marketing or revenue sharing programs.

(vi) Network selling typically provides training, mentorship, and ongoing support to individuals within the network WHILE Internet selling may offer resources and support, but it may require more independent learning and self-motivation.

(i) Market Access and Expansion:
Middlemen, such as wholesalers and distributors, provide producers with access to a broader market. They have established networks and relationships with retailers across different regions in Nigeria, making it easier for producers to reach consumers in diverse geographical locations. This is particularly important in a country with a large and varied market like Nigeria.

(ii) Bulk Breaking:
Middlemen often purchase goods in large quantities from manufacturers or producers and then break these bulk quantities into smaller units suitable for retail sale. This process, known as bulk breaking, allows for the efficient distribution of products to retailers who may not have the capacity to purchase in large quantities.

(iii) Logistics and Transportation:
Middlemen are involved in the transportation and logistics of goods. They handle the movement of products from manufacturers to retailers, managing the complexities of transportation, warehousing, and inventory management. This is significant in a country like Nigeria, where transportation infrastructure can present challenges.

(iv) Risk Management:
Middlemen absorb certain risks associated with the distribution process. This includes the risk of holding inventory, fluctuations in demand, and credit risks. By assuming these risks, middlemen provide a level of stability for both producers and retailers, allowing them to focus on their core activities.

(v) Market Information and Feedback:
Middlemen serve as valuable sources of market information. They are in direct contact with retailers and consumers, providing feedback on market trends, consumer preferences, and competition. This information is crucial for producers to adjust their strategies, adapt to changing market conditions, and introduce new products.

(vi) Credit Facilities:
Some middlemen, particularly wholesalers, may extend credit facilities to retailers. This helps retailers manage their cash flow and maintain a steady supply of goods. This credit provision is especially important in an economy where access to credit can be challenging for small businesses.

(vii) Promotion and Marketing:
Middlemen contribute to the promotion and marketing of products. They engage in promotional activities, advertising, and creating awareness about products at the retail level. This is essential for increasing product visibility and stimulating demand among consumers.

(viii) Quality Control:
Middlemen may play a role in ensuring the quality of products. They may inspect goods upon receipt from manufacturers and reject substandard products. This helps maintain quality standards in the supply chain, ensuring that consumers receive satisfactory products.

Print media refers to traditional forms of communication and information dissemination that are printed on physical surfaces, such as paper or cardboard

(i) Customer Database Management:
Electronic equipment, including CRM systems, facilitates the management of extensive customer databases. These databases store valuable information about customers, including their preferences, purchase history, and interactions with the company. This information is crucial for understanding customer needs and tailoring services or products accordingly.

(ii) Communication and Interaction:
Electronic communication tools such as email, instant messaging, and video conferencing enable businesses to communicate with customers in real-time. These tools enhance customer interactions, providing quick responses to inquiries, addressing concerns promptly, and offering personalized communication.

(iii) Social Media Engagement:
Electronic equipment is essential for managing and engaging with customers on social media platforms. Social media management tools, accessed through electronic devices, allow businesses to monitor brand mentions, respond to customer comments, and leverage social media for customer service, marketing, and relationship-building activities.

(iv) Automation and Analytics:
Electronic systems enable automation of various customer relationship processes. Automated workflows in CRM systems can streamline tasks such as lead nurturing, email campaigns, and customer segmentation. Additionally, electronic analytics tools help businesses analyze customer behavior, preferences, and trends, allowing for data-driven decision-making.

(v) E-commerce Platforms:
Electronic equipment is integral to the operation of e-commerce platforms. Businesses utilize electronic devices to manage online storefronts, process transactions securely, and provide a seamless online shopping experience. E-commerce platforms contribute to relationship management by capturing customer data and enabling personalized recommendations and promotions.

(i) Broker:
A broker is an intermediary who facilitates transactions between buyers and sellers but does not take ownership of the goods or services being bought or sold. Brokers earn a commission or fee for connecting parties and facilitating the negotiation of deals. In various industries, such as real estate, stock markets, and commodities trading, brokers play a crucial role in matching buyers with sellers, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

(ii) Factor:
A factor is a financial intermediary that provides services related to accounts receivable management for businesses. Factoring involves the purchase of accounts receivable (unpaid invoices) from a business at a discount. The factor advances a percentage of the invoice amount to the business immediately and assumes the responsibility of collecting payment from the debtor. Factoring helps businesses improve cash flow and transfer the credit risk associated with receivables to the factor.

(iii) Wholesaler:
A wholesaler is a business entity that buys goods in large quantities from manufacturers or distributors and sells them in smaller quantities to retailers or other businesses. Wholesalers act as intermediaries in the distribution chain, providing a bulk purchasing option for retailers. They typically operate in a business-to-business (B2B) context, offering a wide range of products and serving as a link between producers and retailers.

(iv) Merchant:
In a general sense, a merchant is an individual or business entity involved in buying and selling goods or services for profit. Merchants can operate in various capacities, including as retailers, wholesalers, or online sellers. Merchants often take ownership of the goods they sell, assuming the risks and rewards associated with the buying and selling process. The term is commonly associated with businesses engaged in commercial activities, whether in physical stores or through e-commerce platforms.

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