Alert: Beware of Fake Examking Owner – Stay Safe from Official Julius Scam!”

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In recent times, a nefarious individual by the name of Official Julius has been exploiting the trust of JAMB 2024 candidates, falsely claiming to be the owner of Examking.Net. This impersonator has engaged in fraudulent activities, deceiving students and tarnishing the reputation of Examking.

It is imperative to clarify that the legitimate owner of Examking is the Examking CEO, reachable at the authentic contact number: 08065582389. Any communication or claims made by Official Julius should be treated with extreme caution and skepticism.

The scammer, using fake credentials and manipulated images, has reportedly scammed over 5000 JAMB candidates. The pictures presented by this imposter are fabricated and not reflective of any legitimate association with Examking.

It is crucial for JAMB candidates to be vigilant and not fall prey to the deceptive tactics employed by Official Julius. To safeguard the integrity of the Examking platform and protect fellow students, individuals are encouraged to share this information widely among their peers.

If you encounter any suspicious activity or communication from Official Julius, please report it immediately to Examking using the official contact details provided by the genuine Examking CEO. By staying informed and raising awareness, we can collectively thwart the efforts of scammers and ensure a secure environment for JAMB candidates.

Remember, the true custodian of Examking is the Examking CEO, and any deviation from this should be met with skepticism and thorough verification. Let us unite against fraud and protect the educational community from the malicious actions of impostors like Official Julius.


Official Julius has been using deceptive tactics, including false credentials and manipulated images, to create an illusion of legitimacy.

It’s essential to emphasize that the real owner of Examking is the Examking CEO, reachable at the authentic contact number: 08065582389. Any claims made by Official Julius should be treated with caution.

To safeguard yourself and your peers, it’s crucial to stay informed and share this information widely. Official Julius relies on the trust of unsuspecting students, and by spreading awareness, we can collectively protect the integrity of the Examking platform.

The scammer employs edited images, creating a false narrative to deceive JAMB candidates. Genuine Examking representatives will not resort to such tactics. Be wary of any pictures presented by Official Julius and verify the information with the official Examking CEO contact.

Let’s stand united against fraud in the educational community. The true custodian of Examking is the Examking CEO, and any deviations should be met with skepticism. Together, we can create a secure environment for JAMB candidates and protect the community from the malicious actions of impostors like Official Julius. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and stay scam-smart!

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