FEDPONAM Post-UTME 2023: Eligibility and Registration Details

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This is to inform the general public that online sale of POST UTME/admission form into the Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda for the 2023/2024 academic session has commenced.


FEDPONAM Post-UTME 2023: Eligibility and Registration Details

i. Application Requirements: Prospective candidates must have sat for the 2023 UTME Examinations, chose Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda as his/her first or second choice.

ii. Prospective candidates are required to have a minimum of Five ( 5 ) relevant passes at credit level in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination ( SSCE ) conducted by the West African Examinations Council WAEC/NECO/NABTEB in not more than two sittings.


ND Agricultural Technology

ND Computer Science

ND Science Laboratory Technology

ND Office Technology and Management

ND Microfinance & Entrepreneurship Development

ND Accountancy

ND Business Administration and Management


Interested Applicant should Click on the Application Link below

Note: That Supplying False Information Automatically Disqualifies You for Admission Into The Federal Polytechnic Kaura Namoda


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