ICM Online MBA Scholarships

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The Institute of Customer Management Online MBA Scholarships are meant for those who can not afford the tuition fee, are exceptional candidates, and would like to study for the MBA programme online. This scholarship covers 100% of the tuition fee. Candidates will need to pay a minimum registration fee for each course they study.


1\. Get admissions to the ICM MBA Programme

  • You will need to fulfil all of the criteria for the MBA programme. A full list of requirements can be found on this page.

2\. Financial need

  • You are in a position where the cost of the programme is a significant financial burden
  • You can demonstrate the financial need for the Scholarship


Do you wish to become an international student next year?
Demonstrate your English skills with IELTS.


The scholarship covers full costs of tuition fees for the online MBA programme. Students who are awarded this scholarship will need to pay $50 as registration fee for each course they study.


Apply Now

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