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Section B
(i) Tawheed: Unity of Lordship
When Islam was first presented to the people of Makkah, they were in a state of disbelief. Most of them believed in Allah, but they had put between themselves and Allah many intermediaries. They made idols to represent these intermediaries and worshipped them instead of Allah. Thus, the early revelations taught the people about the Allah’s Unity and power over all things, they told people that Allah was without parents, offspring or any partner who shared His powers. They also pointed out the idols could neither bring good nor hold back evil. And they questioned the logic of worshipping things which could not even see or hear.

(ii) Salaah: Prayers:
After the first verses of revelation came informing the Prophet (PBUH) that he had been chosen for Prophet Hood, Allah sent Jibreel (Gabriel) to teach him the correct method of prayer. This was necessary because the correct method of prayer could not be arrived by logical reasoning. Therefore, even the Prophet(PBUH) himself had to be taught the correct method of worshipping Allah. Thus, the early verses called upon the Prophet (PBUH) and his early band of followers to make their SALAAH(Prayers) regularly.

Since the Makkans were in the habit of worshipping Idols in the belief that these home made gods would carry their prayers to ALLAH for them, the early verses were also aimed at clarifying this misconception. The verses taught that Salaah(Prayers) should only be made for and to Allah, as He is the only one who can answer them.

Great stress was placed on Salaah(prayers) because of its relationship to Tawheed(Oneness of God).Correct Salaah(Prayers) directed to Allah alone is the most basic way of putting Tawheed into practice.

(iii)The Unseen:
Since there was no way that human beings could possibly come to know about the unseen world, the early verses taught them about its wonders, its mysteries, and its horrors. The verses described Paradise and its pleasures in order to encourage the believers to continue to do good deeds and to assure them of a reward, they also described the Hell fire and its torment in order to encourage the believers to strive to avoid evil deeds.
Some of the verses also reasoned with those who could not accept the resurrection by giving them examples from the nature, such as rain falling on dead earth bringing back life.


(i) Fraternization
(ii)The Islamic State
(iv)End of Jewish Plots and Treacheries


 Section B
(i)Making Dua
(ii)Going Mosque Early
(iii)Reading Surah Al-Kahf
(iv)Taking Bath (Ghusl)
(v)Listening carefully to Jummah Khutba (Sermon)

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