JAMB 2024: Latest News And Updates

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The Joint Admission and Matriculations Board (JAMB) has initiated the registration process for the 2024/2025 Universal Tertiary Matriculation Examinations (UTME) for interested candidates nationwide. The JAMB Registrar, Ishaq Oloyede, shared details during a meeting with media executives in Lagos State.

Key points about the registration process and requirements include:

  1. UTME candidates will register first before Direct Entry (DE) candidates.
  2. The sale of DE application documents and E-PIN vending will commence on Wednesday, February 28, and conclude by Thursday, March 28, 2024.
  3. The JAMB DE form is distinct from the JAMB UTME form and is for candidates seeking admission into the first year of a university program.
  4. Registration is only possible at JAMB offices.
  5. Applicants cannot apply for both JAMB DE and UTME in the same year.
  6. The JAMB DE form is an online application form submitted on the JAMB portal.
  7. JAMB recognizes and accepts twelve qualifications/certificates.
  8. A statement of result is accepted for registration only within three years of the date of award.
  9. Upgrade from UTME to DE is available only to candidates whose DE results have not been released at the point of UTME registration and those awaiting A-level results.
  10. The DE fee for the 2024/2025 session is N3,500, with additional charges for CBT Centre registration service, CBT Centre service charge for mock/UTME, and bank charges/commission, totaling N6,200 for non-MOCK candidates and N7,700 for MOCK candidates.
  11. National Identification Number (NIN) is mandatory.

Payment Methods:

  1. Bank payment: Use the e-PIN generated on the JAMB portal to pay.
  2. Online payment: Use your ATM card or USSD code on the JAMB portal to pay.
  3. POS payment: Pay with POS at any accredited CBT or JAMB office.

Registration Steps:

  1. Create your JAMB profile by sending your NIN to 55019 or 66019 as a text message. The format is ‘NIN’ [space] ’11-digit NIN number.’ You will receive a confirmation code.
  2. Log into the JAMB portal with the confirmation code.
  3. Visit an accredited bank, CBT Centre, or embassy (for candidates in foreign countries) to get the JAMB e-PIN. Provide your confirmation code and pay the required fee.
  4. After sending a message to 55019 or 66019, you will receive a 10-digit profile code, registered name with NIMC, and the total cost for UTME with or without Mock and DE.
  5. Present the profile code at the point of form procurement, and the e-PIN is sent to you via text message.
  6. Present the e-PIN at any JAMB accredited CBT centre for registration.

To Retrieve a Lost Profile Code:

  1. Send [RESEND] to 55019 or 66019 as a text message from the registered cell phone number.
  2. The Profile Code will be retrieved and delivered to the registered cell phone number.

To Retrieve a Lost or Not Received e-PIN:

  1. Send [UTMEPIN] or [DEPIN] to 55019 or 66019 for UTME or DE, respectively, from the registered cell phone number.
  2. The e-PIN will be retrieved and delivered to the registered cell phone number

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